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Dana Richter                       President               

Joseph Youngman               Vice-President      

Bill Deephouse                    Treasurer               

Lynn Murphy                       Secretary               

Steve Karpiak

Phil Quenzi

Dr David Flaspohler

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Our current board includes:

If you can donate to us financially OR you'd like to become a member       

Like to contact us?   



You can call or email these two with questions and comments


Dana Richter            906 482 3361           dlrichte   AT

Joseph Youngman    906 523 4416             murphnj    AT

For technical problems with the site or web cams or suggestions to improve the site try:

Phil Quenzi                 906-482-7476              pjquenzi AT

Some Ancient History


Copper Country Audubon had its first official meeting in January of 1976.  Much of that early history is lost but we know that Art Weaver, Frank Isaacs, Bob Janke and Norm Sloan were among those first members.   In February of that year they did a 'practice' Christmas Count.   The first official Houghton County Christmas Count took place in December of that year.


In the spring of 1994 the first edition of the CCA newsletter - The Brockway Lookout- was put out.


Early club presidents included:   Frank Isaacs, Ray Krumm, Marj Krumm, Lynn Foss, and Sue Andres.

An article with lots more of the clubs history can be found here  ----

Like to join us?

You can join by dropping us a note and a check for $25 for a yearly membership. 

Our address is P.O. Box 124 Houghton, Michigan 49931

Membership will get you a paper copy of our twice yearly newsletter the  Brockway Lookout


Can you donate?

You can send us a donation to our physical address: 

P.O. Box 124  Houghton, Michigan 49331


All projects are funded by donations and Copper Country Bird Club member dues only. Please donate!

            Copper Country Bird Club is a 501 c3 federally registered non-profit organization

Or you can donate by Paypal or credit card. If you have any special instruction for use of your Paypal donation you can email them here.

Copper Country Bird Club is involved with all things birding and conducts bird research in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, the Keweenaw peninsula and the Lake Superior watershed
All projects are funded by donations and Copper Country Bird Club member dues only. Please donate!

2019  by Joseph Youngman and Phil Quenzi


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