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Isle Royale National Park

CCA has done quite a few migration studies at Isle Royale. 

First was a fall study at Blake Point by Youngman in 2009.

Then came a spring study at Blake Point by Jason St. Pierre and a fall Blake count by Greg Cleary, both in 2013.

In 2014 Youngman went to Blake again in the fall.

In May of 2017 Youngman and Neufeld went to count waterbirds at Rainbow Point at the SW tip of the island.

In May of 2018 Tim Baerwald and Youngman went to Blake Point and Passage Island to do simultaneous counts.

We hope to do simultaneous fall counts in 2019 at Washington Island and Blake Point - the two extreme ends of the main island.   All of these counts were between six and ten days in length.

Jason St Pierre at Blake Point in May 2013

Red Fox at Blake

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Virginia Rail found a little shelter at Blake after crossing Lake Superior in May 2013

The view to the SSW from Blake Point


Blackburnian Warbler on the rocks at Passage Island   May 2018

Freighter passing between Isle Royale and Passage Island


Tim Baerwald and J Youngman   May 2018

Baerwald counted from Blake Point and Youngman from Passage Island

Dana Neufeld at Rainbow Point in May 2017


2019  by Joseph Youngman and Phil Quenzi

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