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Copper Country Bird Club
Manitou Island Keweenaw County
October Count 2020
To try and fine tune the knowledge of fall waterbird migration through Lake Superior we did simultaneous counts at Manitou Islands eastern tip and at AuSable Point over in the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. The count ran through the entire month of October. Our counters were Tim Baerwald and Alison Vilag. Having counters at these two sites plus the count being conducted at Whitefish Point by the Whitefish Point Bird Observatory really gave some interesting comparisons in numbers seen at each site. There really are differences between central and eastern Lake Superior. Our report is available here - - - -

A spreadsheet with daily data is available here
Tim Baerwald
A game cam caught the bright eyes of a Saw-whet Owl hunting near our bird feeder in Manitou's forest.
At right, an immature Peregrine Falcon was photographed on the rocks by Alison Vilag.

In 2002 CCA sent several volunteers to Manitou Island in May to look at migration and in June and July to look at breeding birds. We went back in the fall to look for migrants. We sent small groups out 23 times between 2002 and 2016. Each visit was only 3 to 6 days in duration and all observers volunteered their efforts. A list of those volunteers is here ----
There has been a separate website on this Manitou Island Bird Survey and a link for that site is here
Joseph Kaplan and Youngman wrote up the results of the Manitou Island Bird Survey through 2009 in an article for Michigan Birds and Natural History.
The Manitou Island Light Station at Manitou's east tip

Two moods
of Lake Superior
from the west tip of Manitou looking past Gull Rock Lighthouse to the Keweenaw

A shift change in May 2006
From left Greg Cleary (sitting), Brian Johnson, Stewart Bentley, Marj Krumm, Mike Schiewe, Diane Raven
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Photo by Aaron Peterson

Smith's Longspur 2006
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